We’ve got Your Local Buzz! Find it all, including the sale flyers. We’re the place to BEE!
Our Featured Events:
✨Jan 24 Friday Fun Night -LLB Curling Club
✨Jan 25 Complimentary Spaghetti Dinner -Rotary Club of LLB
✨Jan 25 Chili Lunch & Fundraiser -LLB Back Country Riders
✨Jan 25 Voyageurs Hockey vs NAIT -Portage College
✨Feb 28 Country Concert -LLB County
✨Feb 28 – March 2 ALL the DETAILS on the Lac La Biche Ice Festival
✨March 8 Robbie Burns Night at the Legion
Background photo – view from the Lac La Biche Legion
#localevents #flyerthursday #laclabicheandarea #yourlocalbuzz