Greanbean Canoe Adventures #sillysisters
Each year, patiently waiting and watching for the ice to be off the lake. Winter has been here long enough, and with every chirp of the birds, croak of the emerging frogs and green bud that appears on the trees, I grow more excited about the first paddle of the year.
Today, finally, our 1st paddle of the year
Actually, it would have been the 2nd, but we had a failed attempt….interesting story really.
May 18th, the plan was to meet up after work and test out a 14’ fibreglass red canoe (yes, color is important) for possible purchase. Our Greenbean has been with us since 2004 and has definitely served us well. We have dipped the wide bottom lake canoe in many lakes, rivers, ponds, and even ditches. But, each year, it seems, it weighs a little more. So we slowly searched for the perfect replacement.
We met in Plamondon, and to each other’s bewilderment or astonishment (I’m not quite sure) we discover our telepathy has failed us. We both did not bring a truck to this rendezvous. A bit of a communication breakdown. BUT! Jen has a lightbulb moment, and suddenly we are purchasing tie-downs.??? With it just being a short trip to the Campsite Road boat launch, we will tie the 14ft canoe to the top of her little purple car. We are creative and resourceful (and a tad silly).
After a little drive to the said canoe for sale; we check it out. Inspecting and lipping it over, we put it on the lawn. Sure is nice and light, that’s for sure. Each taking our usual positions, Captain Jen at the stern and myself at the bow. Only moments after sitting down, we know right away we are perched too high up. Kinda makes you feel like you should be waving side to side like the Queen.
Hence, the failed canoe attempt.
Today (May 23rd), the morning was dreary and damp. Forecast said cloudy and possible showers, but who can 100% believe the forecast any more. Spirits dampened? Nah, I’m an optimist.
We loaded the canoe early in the morning and headed out to the Road to Hope Fun Run on Sir Winston Churchill Island. Volunteering at the water station was first on our list today. As we arrived, the sun was slowly peeking out from the clouds and blue sky was upon us. It was a beautiful day for the fundraiser and our little paddle to follow.
Around noon, we launched the canoe from the day-use beach area, a wonderful sandy shore with very few people and boats. This side of the island had light ripples in the water with a slight breeze.

It was a leisurely paddle down to the causeway. We pulled up on shore a couple of times to walk the beach looking for interesting rocks. The water is probably 2-3ft lower than last year. so the high watermark is quite a way back from the shoreline. About a good 10ft of shore to scavenge for treasures.

Visiting and floating across the clear, navy blue water. Just enjoying listening to the calming sound of water swishing on the front of the canoe. Absolutely peaceful.
The water is calling, and I must go.