❇️ This month in history ➡️ MTV On TV – Instant Coffee a Success – Life Savers Trademarked
❇️ August Mini Bites of History ❇️
August 1, 1981– MTV debuts on television just after midnight. The first broadcast was “Video Killed the Radio Star” by the Buggles.
The television station followed the Top 40 radio format with videos. After a slow start, the music video format proved to be good exposure for artists. But now, they not only needed to sound good, they needed to look good (or at least interesting).
The advertising campaigns made the tag line “I want my MTV” a hit.
In 2010 MTV dropped the “Music Television” branding; now only having minimal music video content.
August 11, 1903 – First successful patent for instant coffee is filed by Satoir Kato of Chicago, Illinois. So, instant coffee had been around since 1771! In Britain, it was called “coffee compound” and the British government held the patent.

The successful patent in 1903 was for instant coffee that was stable soluble coffee powder. It was marketed commercially. The instant coffee became very popular because of the U.S military buying all the available supplies during World War 1 and supplied it to the soldiers,
August 19, 1913 – “LifeSavers” candy is trademarked.
The summer candy that could withstand the heat, unlike chocolate, was invented in 1912.
LifeSavers are named after the ring-style life preserver, the range of mints and fruit-flavored candies became well for its distinctive packaging.
In 1931 the classic “Five Flavor” rolls were introduced; pineapple, lime, orange, cherry and lemon. These 5 flavors made up LifeSavers til 1970 when 3 flavors were replaced in the U.S. The 5 flavors were now pineapple, cherry, raspberry, watermelon, and blackberry. Blackberry didn’t last long, it was replaced with orange.
Here in Canada, the original 5 flavor line up is still sold today.
Originally they had12 sugar candies in a roll. Now, they hold 14.
Happy Birthday LifeSavers! 110 years old this August!

History is very interesting; tells us where we have been, how the world was and often what mistakes have been made. Memory Monday is based on fun and fascinating bits of history that may not be the big events, but helped shape or bring us to where we are today. If you are interested in this type of history and writing short articles like I've been doing, please contact me at stacey@yourlocalbuzz.ca