Grab your coffee or tea and enjoy our Funday Sunday Puzzles.
This week our word search is all about Ground Hog Day and our jigsaw a sweet bee’n’flower pic.
Jigsaw Puzzle #6-23 🧩️ Play Here ➡️ https://rdar.li/funday-sunday-puzzle-february-5c-2023
Summer will BEE here in no time.😉 Enjoy April-Dawn Fabbro’s “bee in action” photo. Nice shot April!
Take a look at our “Feature Photographer” section on the website. Such great pictures from our local photographers.
Word Search #6-23 🔎 Play Here ⬇️
Ground Hog Day was February 2nd.
The popular tradition of Ground Hog Day is celebrated in North America. Folklore says, if the groundhog sees its shadow, it will get scared and return to its burrow, suggesting another 6 more weeks of winter.
Across Canada, there are 7 groundhogs that appear in the Weather Network’s update on Ground Hog Day. This year, 5 of them saw their shadow and only 2 (one being our very own Balzac Billy from Alberta) saw no shadow. Average says, 6 more weeks. But, if we are going to take advice from groundhogs, I’ll go with our hometown hog. 😄
Enjoy our word search.