Grab your coffee or tea and enjoy our jigsaw and word search.
Jigsaw Puzzle #24-23 🧩️ Play Here ➡️ https://rdar.li/funday-sunday-puzzle-june-11-2023
“Nature never goes out of style.”
Author Unknown
We’re celebrating National Nature Photography Day on June 15th with both our puzzles today!
With all the lakes, forests and fields in our area, we are so lucky to be surrounded everywhere by the beauty of nature. Spend some time outside…enjoy! Capture it in your memory and photos if you like to share with others. If you would like to be our next Feature Photographer, contact stacey@yourlocalbuzz.ca
Jigsaw photo credit to Sylvia Romanyshyn.
Check out the blog category : “Feature Photographer” for each of our past photographers stunning pics. Find them all here > https://rdar.li/bee-hive–your-local-buzz
Did you know these puzzles, you can do them on your computer, tablet, or phone? The jigsaw is a quick 15-piece puzzle, but you can change that in the upper left corner, and pick the number of pieces you want.
Word Search #24-23 🔎 Play Here ⬇️