Funday Sunday Puzzles. Wordsearch and Photo Jigsaw.

Grab your coffee or tea and enjoy our photo jigsaw from our Feature Photographer and themed word search.

Jigsaw Puzzle #39-23 🧩️ Play Here ➡️

With National Truth and Reconciliation Day coming up next Saturday. This Sunday our photo jigsaw is themed towards Indigenous culture.

There are lots of symbols used by Aboriginal people in their art to preserve their culture and tradition. Here are just a few symbols and their meanings:

  • Infinity: The  sign symbolizes two cultures (French and First Nation people) together and the continuity of the MĂ©tis culture.
  • Eagle Feather: It is the most sacred of feathers and is considered an honourable gift from the Creator.
  • Raven: Creation and knowledge.

Thanks to our returning Feature Photographer, Jason Caine, for today’s photo jigsaw. You can see more of his photos on our home page.

Check out the blog category : “Feature Photographer” for each of our past photographers stunning pics. Find them all here >–your-local-buzz

Did you know these puzzles, you can do them on your computer, tablet, or phone? The jigsaw is a quick 15-piece puzzle, but you can change that in the upper left corner, and pick the number of pieces you want.

Word Search #39-23 🔎 Play Here ⬇️

PANCAKES! Who doesn’t love them? So many ways to enjoy them. They are seriously yummy. Even the gluten-free…who knew?

September 26th is officially Pancake Day, so make sure you serve’m up for breakfast, lunch or supper.

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