Join LLB Nordic Ski Club at Shaw Lake under the full moon for a moonlight ski! This Saturday, February 24th from 7:30 to 9pm. Enjoy
Month: February 2024

🏁 Looking for something to do this weekend? The Winter Festival of Speed has something for everyone! Hope to see you on the ICE! Check

This weekend it’s the Winter Festival of Speed in Lac La Biche and there is something for all AGES! 🚸FREE Kids Carnival BOTH DAYS at

Looking for something to do in the evenings? LLB has BINGO every Thursday, Friday and Sunday nights! Pot update for February 21st💰Loonie Pot #1 –

Kick-off the Winter Festival of Speed weekend at the Legion!This Friday night, with Steak Night, it is live music featuring Brian DeHeer. Doors open at

Ladies! Don’t miss your chance to get in on an ICE FISHING Adventure! 🎣 Lisa Roper Outdoors and her enthusiastic and knowledgeable group of volunteers

Happy Family Day Weekend!Do you like taking local photos? Be one of our Feature Photographers! Contact #deer #winter #weekend #familyday #laclabicheandarea #yourlocalbuzz

Grab your coffee or tea and enjoy our photo jigsaw and themed word search. Jigsaw Puzzle #7-24🧩️ Play Here ➡️ Jigsaw Puzzle #7-24🧩️ Play

Lac La Biche Back Country Riders are having a LIVE AUCTION fundraiser on Sunday, February 25th at the Winter Festival of Speed. Items will be

“Who Get’s Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate?” Life is full of transitions. Do you have questions on how to get prepared? How do you want things