🌱Let’s Grow Together – Growing Connections🌱
We are looking for families with children or youth to participate in 6-interactive sessions running mid-May to mid-September.
The sessions will be focused on
🌱connecting with others.
🌱learning & sharing skills.
🌱planting, growing, cooking & preserving food.
This is a free workshop and all supplies are included. There are limited spaces.
To apply:
✔️submit the fillable form on our website at https://communitylearningllb.ca/courses-2/
✔️print and email the form or drop it off at Community Learning http://ylb.shor.tn/GrowingConnections
Application deadline is May 20th.
If you have questions, please contact us at 780-623-2477.
Email is llbpal@telusplanet.net
Sponsored by Wolf Midstream
Community Learning is located at 10140-102 St. Unit 101, Lac La Biche
#communitylearning #growingconnections #learning #laclabicheandarea #yourlocalbuzz