Road to Hope’s 1st Annual Spring Scramble! June 13th they are hosting 18 holes of Scramble at the gorgeous Lac La Biche Golf & Country Club.
– 8:30am breakfast & registration
– 10am shotgun start
– Registration includes cart
– Contests! Spin-to-win and Chipping
– Prizes! Gone Fishin’, Beach, Proximity, Team
– 50/50
Register online HERE
Get in touch with our Coordinator, Jessica for more information! 780-327-9442 or email coordinator@roadtohope.ca
Road to Hope is a registered, non-profit organization providing transportation to cancer patients in the Lac La Biche and Athabasca Counties. This service is at no expense to the client and we are volunteer run.
Your participation in this event will help us continue to meet our mandate!
#roadtohope #scramble #golfllb #laclabicheandarea #yourlocalbuzz