Schools out soon!! 👏 Please collect “Unwanted” School/Office Supplies!
Community Learning is collecting all types of supplies for their “1st Stop School Supply Shop” that will be held in August. Your child may be tired of their backpack, crayons, etc., but these items will be great for those that don’t have, for going back to school in the fall.
OR… If you are downsizing or purging, consider donating office supplies to this project.
Donations are accepted Monday to Friday from 1-4pm until August 15th.
10140-102St. Unit 101, LLB. (Next to Mo’s Barbershop)
Questions? Call us at 780-623-2477 or email llbpal@telusplanet.net.
#communitylearning #learningneverends #KeepingItemsOutofLandfills #laclabicheandarea #yourlocalbuzz