Funday-Sunday-Puzzles. Wordsearch and photo jigsaw.

Grab your coffee or tea and enjoy our jigsaw and word search.

What a view and amazing photo! Thanks to our new Feature Photographer, Ken Zachewich, for sharing his photos.

Did you know these puzzles, you can do them on your computer, tablet, or phone? The jigsaw is a quick now a 25-piece puzzle, but you can change that in the upper left corner, and pick the number of pieces you want.

Word Search #28-24🔎 Play Here ⬇️

July 17th is International Emoji Day!
A few fun facts about the emoji:
1. They have been around since 1999, when Shigetaka Kuria (a Japanese designer) made the first emoji for cellphones.
2. Apple released iOS 6 in 2012 and emoji’s exploded!
3. Emoji plural, is still emoji.
4. Emoji was added to the dictonary in 2013.
5. Birthday cake and pizza are the most used food emoji year-round.
6. Latest emoji trend…emoji tattooos!

Click on the first letter of the word you find, then the last, and it will highlight and mark the word off your list. 🙂

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