🍽 Stone Soup Food Centre is open today from 1-4pm and New Years Day 1-3pm. Their regular hours are Monday to Friday 1-4pm. Located at 10140-102 St. Unit 101, Lac La Biche.
🍽 What is Stone Soup Food Centre? It is a food rescue where individuals can come and select items from what is donated from the businesses and the community.
Individuals can come as many times a month as they like, and there are no restrictions as to who can use this service.
🍽 Donations of food items are accepted; maybe you are cleaning out your pantry or moving and have food you will not be using. They also accept cash donations for food purchases, and can issue a Charitable Tax Reciept to the doner.
Find out more at their website ➡️ https://www.stonesoupfood.ca/
🍽 Stone Soup is operated by volunteers. If you would like to volunteer give them a call at 780-623-2477 or email llbpal@telusplanet.net
Just remember, “Sharing is Caring”. They are filling plates, not landfills.
#stonesoupfoodcentre #fillingplatesnotlandfills #laclabicheandarea #yourlocalbuzz