❓Have you heard of Stone Soup Food Centre? ❓It is a food rescue where individuals can come and select items from what is donated from the businesses. They are open Monday to Friday, 1-4pm and are run by volunteers. Located at 10140-102 St, Unit 101 in Lac La Biche. Individuals can come as many times a month as they like, and there are no restrictions as to who can use this service.
❗In 2024 there were 101,905 lbs of food rescued.❗During the year, a total of 11,854 adults and 3,525 children/youth selected food.
Thank you to everyone who donated food and helping “Fill Plates not Landfills”.
They are always welcoming new volunteers. If you have some time to spare, contact them at 780-623-2477 or email llbpal@telusplanet.net.
#stonesoupfoodcentre #fillingplatesnotlandfills #laclabicheandarea #yourlocalbuzz