It’s the 2nd Annual Elks on ICE!! Saturday, March 8th! 🎣
🎣On the ice at the Sir Winston Churchill Park boat launch from 10am to 2pm. Enjoy free hotdogs, hamburgers and hot drinks!
🎣Free Ice fishing rods to youth 18 and under while quantities last. Volunteers will be there to help teach tying hooks, and fishing basics for those that aren’t familiar with ice fishing.
There will be fire pits and picnic tables to hang out and socialize.
Thank you to their Sponsors:
EDCON Power Tongs
Lac La Biche County
Lac La Biche Modern Wears
Lac La Biche Legion
Lac La Biche Sporting Goods
Off Road Sales and Rentals
Savailan Enterprises Ltd.
#elkslaclabiche #icefishing #laclabicheandarea #yourlocalbuzz