BCR LLB Ice Festival 2025.

YES! This is still happening this weekend! March 1st & 2nd, the Back County Riders have all kinds of FUN snowmobiling opportunities for you! At the Lac La Biche Ice Festival:
▶️Pancake Breakfast Fundraisers both days!
▶️Live Auction Fundraiser Saturday
▶️Snowmobile Rider Training both days!
▶️Saturday Snowball Race: Vintage sled race with the drivers switching spots throughout the race….sounds like FUN! You can enter or just come out to cheer them on.
▶️Sunday a vintage sled ride to the LLB Mission, which includes lunch. Non-vintage sleds welcome.
▶️Snow’n’Shine on Sunday. Antique, vintage, classic, retro, semi-old and new are welcome!

Find out more about all their events that weekend ▶ http://ylb.shor.tn/website

#llbbackcountryriders #snowmobilealberta #laclabicheandarea #yourlocalbuzz

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