Happy Funday Sunday Puzzles.

Grab your coffee or tea, and enjoy our photo jigsaw puzzle and word search.

This is such a cute jigsaw…enjoy.
Photo credit – Yvette Barnett

Did you know these puzzles, you can do them on your computer, tablet, or phone? The jigsaw is a quick 25-piece puzzle, but you can change that in the upper left corner, and pick the number of pieces you want.

Word Search #10-25🔎 Play Here ⬇️
Click on the first letter of the word you find, then the last, and it will highlight and mark the word off your list. 🙂

Today is Barbie Doll’s birthday!
Couple of interesting facts you may not know:
– She was debuted at the American International Toy Fair in New York on this day in 1959. That makes her 65 years old.
– She was inspired from paper dolls.
– Her full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
– By Barbie’s 50th birthday, in 2009, over 1 billion models of her had been sold . And…over 100 barbies are sold every minute!

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