Funday Sunday Puzzles; jigsaw and wordsearch.

Grab your coffee or tea, and enjoy our photo jigsaw puzzle and word search.

Who’s ready for spring?? March 20th is officially the first day of spring.
Any guesses when the snow will be gone (for the 2nd time)?

Did you know these puzzles, you can do them on your computer, tablet, or phone? The jigsaw is a quick 25-piece puzzle, but you can change that in the upper left corner, and pick the number of pieces you want.

Word Search #11-25🔎 Play Here ⬇️
Click on the first letter of the word you find, then the last, and it will highlight and mark the word off your list. 🙂

Historical fun fact for March 16th. 🤓
In 1926 the world’s first liquid fueled rocket was launched! That’s 99 years ago!
The rocket averaged 96 km per hour and reached an altitude of 12 meters (41 feet) in 2 seconds.

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