Free Workshop – Preparing for Emergencies – March 24th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm at the Lac La Biche Heritage Centre. This workshop is for anyone interested.
They will look at the importance of emotional and social preparedness and get information on what you’ll need for a 72 hour shelter in place and grab and go kit.
They ask you to register so we have an idea how many will be attending, and can purchase snacks and beverages. You can sign up at this link ▶ http://ylb.shor.tn/WorkshopSignUp or at the Heritage Centre front desk Monday to Thursday from 10am-2pm, call 780-623-8350 or email heritage2016@hotmail.com
Presented by Jennifer Gauthier of Lac La Biche Community Health Services
Sponsored in part by FCSS.
#llbheritagesociety #workshops #laclabicheandarea #yourlocalbuzz