Craigend Fun Money Casino – Come Join the FUN! Friday, March 14, 2025
Your $40.00 entry to the hall entitles you to $30,000.00 Fun Money, a chance to win some door prizes and a fantastic pulled pork lunch with all the trimmings.
🎲The fun money is used to play a variety of Casino type games such as Black Jack, Craps, Horse Racing and others.
🎲When the games end you may use your winnings to bid on a wide selection of Auction items including sporting goods, power saw, a load of gravel, Senior’s Center Rental, a load of top-soil and many other items.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Games begin at 7:00 p.m.
Members and Guests
No Minors will be allowed.
#craigend #casino #laclabicheandarea #yourlocalbuzz