Each year, when we hang up the paddles for the year, we look back on where we have been and where we want to go.
This week’s puzzles; Sunset Through Pines jigsaw puzzle and Video Game Day word search. Jigsaw Puzzle #8 🧩️ Play Here ➡️ https://rdar.li/funday-sunday-puzzle-july-3-2C-2022 Jigsaw puzzles are
Do you know how much a 17ft Pelican canoe weights? At 91lbs and it is one of the heavier canoes on the market. As years
This week’s puzzles; Pelican Line-up jigsaw puzzle and Canada Day word search. Jigsaw Puzzle #7 🧩️ Play Here ➡️ https://rdar.li/funday-sunday-puzzle-june-26-2C-2022 Jigsaw puzzles are from our
You scratch my back. I’ll scratch yours. There are two sides to every story. Just like there are “two sides to every coin”. With a
This week’s puzzles; Sunset jigsaw puzzle and Summer Solstice word search. Jigsaw Puzzle #6 🧩️ Play Here ➡️ https://rdar.li/funday-sunday-puzzle-june-19-2C-2022 Jigsaw puzzles are from our local
May 23 – June 4, 22 – Feature Photographer
This week’s puzzles; Sun dog photo jigsaw puzzle & nature word search. Jigsaw Puzzle #5 🧩️ Play Here ➡️ https://rdar.li/jigsaw-puzzle-5 Jigsaw puzzle from our local
Greanbean Canoe Adventures #sillysisters Each year, patiently waiting and watching for the ice to be off the lake. Winter has been here long enough, and
This weeks puzzles are themed towards Canadian National Environment week.