KidSport LLB

Supporting youth sports.

KidSport provides grants to children from families facing financial barriers, so they can participate in registered sport programs.

Who is eligible to receive a KidSport grant?  

- Families that are receiving the Alberta Child and Family Benefit are eligible. 

- KidSport also considers social and economic barriers facing the child's family when determining eligibility. 

KidSport Lac La Biche provides financial support up to $500 per eligible child, per calendar year towards sport registration fees.

Am I eligible for Kidsport Funding?

1)  You must live in Lac la Biche County.   Your child may be participating in an activity that is outside of the county

2)  Your child must be 18 years old or younger.

3)  Financial qualification:  The whole idea of Kidsport is to help out families with lower incomes to still enable their kids to engage in sports.  Essentially, family net income must be  $77,000 or less, unless you have several children. You are eligible if you receive: 

- The Alberta Child and Family Benefit:  You must be Albertan citizen, a parent of one or more children,  have filed a tax return and your annual income is less than $77,000.  You MUST submit a copy of your Benefit document listing the kids covered with your Kidsport Application.   

- The Canada Child Benefit:  You must be an Albertan citizen, a parent of one or more children, and have filed a tax return.  (see chart below).  You MUST submit pages 1 and 2 of your Canada Child Benefit form, which clarifies your family income.

- Are a NEW Canadian:  New Canadians including refugees may not have Canadian or Alberta benefits in place, but they may have kids who would like to play sports.  If your family income is less less than $77,000, you may apply for Kidsport funding.  Your application must include a note from a Canadian sponsor attesting to your circumstances.

Canada Child Benefit Income thresholds: See Slide with Chart

How to apply: 

- For paper applications:

- You can pick up a paper form at the Bold Centre front desk or download & print from the PDF found here. 

- Email for a form to be emailed to you. 

- Fill out the form, ensuring you complete the checklist prior to submitting, and either:

- Drop off at the Bold Centre Drop Box.

- Email a copy to

- Mail the form to KidSport Lac La Biche, Box 1218, Lac La Biche AB T0A2C0

- You can also check with the sport organization representative if they can submit on your behalf.

- For online applications go to this link KidSport LLB Online Application

You can find all the information about KidSport Lac La Biche in their listing HERE


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