Busy Bee

It’s Long and Winding Road

Wandering River east of HWY 63 at mouth of Mountain Creek

Our area has not just a long and winding roads, but some long and winding rivers too.

Our hive has created a few new family traditions over the last decade or so. One being crazy elaborate Easter Hunts. Since Baby Bee got his learners permit, most Hunts have been off site. Easter Bunny says, “One must work to earn their Easter loot.”

So off the Easter Bunny goes hiding clues all over the country side, down some very much less travelled roads over some very windy rivers.

This year there was a theme: bridges.

Bridges are connectors, filling the gap. They say “Let’s come together and share new ideas, create new adventures, pool our resources.”

Busy Bee tries to incorporate educational aspects to every Easter Hunt. Sometimes clues have hints to events that happened in the last year. Sometimes the clues include directions, map reading and GSP coordinates. This year included all of those.

One tiny bridge spanned a small creek. Local elders have indicated this creek used to be called “Soldier Creek” as it’s source was Soldier Lake. Google Earth shows this lake as Nixon Lake. I will trust my elder resource as many local lakes have had a name change in decades past.

Mountain Creek east of HWY 63 on TWP 714

During the Hunt, the Easter Bunny crossed the Wandering River 8 times. It was a busy morning.

Two bridges on this tour really stood out. The green one posted above and this blue beauty by Breynat. The paint is faded and the wooden deck needs repairs. The view on either side is breath taking.

Blue Bridge on RGE RD 171 west of HWY 63 half a mile north of Breynat

This Busy Bee will have to redo this series of photos to capture the scenery once the leaves pop out and again in the fall when Mother Nature creates her master piece.

Hope you enjoyed this collection of photos from the northern part of the area. Busy Bee hopes to share more pictures and adventures to show case the sites in our incredible region.

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