Funday Sunday Puzzles

May 8, 2022

Sudoku Puzzle #1 #️⃣ Play Here ➡️

Puzzles are a great family activity or a nice quiet activity to do on your own.  They are not only fun, but working on puzzles gives you a mental workout.  If your choice of puzzles is a jig-saw, crossword, word search or Sudoku, it doesn’t really matter, because all puzzles share one key element; they power your brain!

The generic term for someone who loves puzzles, be it mathematical, word or logic-orientated; is an enigmatologist.  Now someone who loves jig-saw puzzles (which I am included in that category) is a dissectologist.  That’s a good definition, but I think it should be a puzzle-sniper!

Puzzles have existed in various forms since the time of the ancient world.  The first discovered riddles were close to 4,000 years ago.  The first crosswords appeared in England during the 19th century.

The types and varieties of puzzles are almost endless. For now, we are sharing Sudoku, which is a good brain work-out.  How to play, and the answers are easily clicked on in the puzzle icons.  Did you know the Sudoku story began in 1783 when Leonhard Euler, a Swiss mathematician, devised ‘Latin Squares’, which he described as ‘a new kind of magic squares’. He came up with a grid in which every number or symbol appears once in each row or column (#1-9). 

Here are a few reasons why puzzles are good for you:

1. They improve your short term memory.

2. Puzzles improve your problem-solving skills. 

3. They exercise both parts of your brain.  Your right-side controls creativity and your left-side logical thinking.  When you work on a puzzle, you are engaging both parts of your brain. 

4. Lower your stress level! Well, then everyone should do it!  By focusing on the puzzle, your mind is only on one task and goes into a meditative state.  You are in the moment…great stuff!

For all these reasons and the longstanding tradition of puzzles in the newspaper made us think that a weekly digital puzzle would be fun, so we’ve decided to do just that; Funday Sunday Puzzles.

Grab your coffee or tea, get your thinking cap on, and enjoy a puzzle with us.

Your Local Buzz Jigsaw Puzzle 🧩️ Play Here ➡️

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