Funday-Sunday-Puzzles. Wordsearch, Jigsaw.

Grab your coffee or tea, and enjoy our photo jigsaw puzzle and word search.

Jigsaw photo credit : Shelda Bolt of Wandering River

Did you know these puzzles, you can do them on your computer, tablet, or phone? The jigsaw is a quick 25-piece puzzle, but you can change that in the upper left corner, and pick the number of pieces you want.

Word Search #35-24🔎 Play Here ⬇️
Click on the first letter of the word you find, then the last, and it will highlight and mark the word off your list. 🙂

September is here, already!
There are flowers enough in the summertime,
More flowers than I can remember—
But none with the purple, gold, and red
That dye the flowers of September!
—Mary Howitt (1799-1888)

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